Ideas on using for marketing

meetup.gifLast fall I stumbled upon a website called The concept is simple – a place for people with like-minded interests to organize events and meet in real life. To me, this site takes social networking and Web 2.0 to another level because of the healthy dose of reality. Users are no longer tied to their keyboards – which has some useful advantages for your marketing efforts.

Here are some ways I’ve seen used first-hand for marketing purposes.

1. Promote Your Product – I belong to a meetup called the Reston Pug Club. Pug owners get together once a month at a local dog park to hang out. One week a savvy bakery showed up with their pug and enough homemade dog treats for the entire pack. The free samples were a big hit and the enterprising baker walked away with lots of new business.

2. Focus Groups – Another Meetup I frequent is called Ultimate Success. The group organizer, Ayda, wanted some feedback on a program she is creating to help people achieve their goals. Using she was able to bring together a focus group to try out the program and give honest and objective opinions.

3. Networking – My friend (who I met through meetup) Dean Hua is a master at using to promote networking events for entrepreneurs in the DC metro area.

4. Sponsorship – Could you provide an existing meetup with funds to pay for the site fee ($15 per month) or a convenient place to meet in exchange for mention on the meetup site?


Andrea Morris is a marketing coach who specializes in helping visionaries, entrepreneurs, consultants and small businesses use high-ROI strategies to get the right message to the right people. For more information, please visit

4 thoughts on “Ideas on using for marketing

  1. Pingback: Which New Media Tools are Worth Your Time? « Write Ideas Marketing

  2. Pingback: Embedded Components and Tools Blog Center » Blog Archive » The Marketing Bubble

  3. Who know so many people liked to do things in the city and just needed an outlet to find what to do and someone to do it with. My group grew to over 1000 in 6 months, which has now started to become a business instead of a just a fun thing for a few friends.

  4. Pingback: Which New Media Tools are Worth Your Time? | New / Digital Media

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